Explore The Great Continent

  1. The Metropol: The largest and most densely populated city, known for its towering skyscrapers and advanced technological innovations. It serves as the primary economic and cultural hub.
  2. Centrolia: Located at the geographic center of the continent, it is a city of bureaucrats and diplomats, housing the central government and the Representatives’ Council.
  3. Kartagain: A city of artisans and craftsmen, famous for its intricate stonework and ornate sculptures, as well as its production of high-quality tools and machinery.
  4. Dunpool: Nestled in a rare oasis, it is known for its lush gardens, water management systems, and agricultural research facilities.
  5. Drinn: A heavily fortified city situated near volcanic activity, it is renowned for its metallurgical industries and production of durable construction materials.
  6. Peet: An island nation just off the coast, Peet is the only city with direct access to the seas surrounding the continent. It thrives on fishing, sea trade, and marine research, maintaining a level of independence while still contributing to the continent’s unity.

Explore the Abyss

Discover the Great Continent’s cities, resources, and the vital train network connecting them.